Something I’m thinking of

Output > Input. Produce > Consume.

The idea is to make sure that I’m generating more than what I’m consuming.

Example: generating and producing work that one is proud of and can share with others IS BIGGER THAN reading what others share. This is the absolute case of social media where we consume what others have produced.

Examples: Getting real work done IS BIGGER THAN reading. This can work the other way around if reading is in the shape of [producing] ideas.

Other examples that can work both ways are: (think > read), (read > think.)

What am I learning or interested in learning?

Learning how to learn. Meta learning. More on this later.

1 scary thing to try this month

Trying something new every week. Even if it’s taking a new way home (on foot, of course.) This counts. Starting small makes the bigger change easier to tackle.

Something that changed my mind

Working outside for a day (or half). Change of environment lead to change of ways of thinking.

Best of what I read

“Men do not make laws. They do but discover them. Laws must be justified by something more than the will of the majority. They must rest on the eternal foundation of righteousness.”

– Calvin Coolidge

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