Startup/Almeta: Advancing the understanding of the Arabic language.

A fresh look into gamified, quality and smart education in the Arab and MENA region.

In 2021, I’ve founded (website).

Almeta is an AI initiative advancing the understanding of the Arabic language. We developed programmable APIs that can measure bias, neutrality, readability, informativity and other metrics for any Arabic text content on the web, tackling false news and fact-checking first.

Released web and app News Platform having these metrics. And published our technical and research work in more than 150+ machine learning research and technical blogs in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for the Arabic language on our blog for the public. All in English for anyone to use and read:

Tech Stack:
– Backend: GCP and AWS – all microservice architecture. Cloud Run, SES, SQS, Docker, Python/Flask, AWS, Lambda, SQLAlchemy, Serverless (sls), DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Redis, Step Functions, Snorkel, Wikifier, TDD, IaC, CircleCI (CI/CD).
– Frontend: Flutter, Dart, CodeMagic (CI/CD)
– Analysis and Marketing: Segment, Amplitude, Drip for marketing automation.

Built and led a team of 10 members: 8 engineers, 1 marketing, 1 business.

Blog at