

I read x3, code x2, design x2, exercise x1 and I sometimes write.

I build products 0-1. I drew a lot in my childhood and programmed a lot in my adulthood.

I specialize in productizing artificial intelligence and machine learning in product-based, consumer-facing companies. I started in academia where I published 10 papers as an undergrad. I later worked in EdTech and HealthTech startups in the Netherlands and the UK. I played a key role in all of them (senior full stack, first engineer, founder or a director) where I either built the tech, the team, the product or all of these.

My favorite writers are Seneca and Nassim Taleb, and therefore, I very much detest imposters.

I founded Alphazed with a small team. We launched Amal for Arabic Language learning for kids and reached 100,000 users with a 0 marketing budget. We later launched Alphazed School, Thurayya, and Kid Elite UK.

Currently I’m a Head of Engineering at Noon.

I’m based in London, UK.

You can download my CV here.

My Accounts:

Blog at WordPress.com.