10 years ago I’ve read what Jason Fried (from 37Signals/Basecamp) wrote:

[…] I encourage entrepreneurs to bootstrap instead of taking outside money. On day one, a bootstrapped company sets out to make money. They have no choice, really. On day one a funded company sets out to spend money. They hire, they buy, they invest, they spend. Making money isn’t important yet. They practice spending, not making.

Jason Fried

Jason Fried and DHH, changed how I think about business and engineering since. And they are the reason I bootstrapped almeta and Alphazed. And they still do. And they are the reasons I love working in startups, building tech and teams from scratch. And that’s why I recently joined/founded yet another startup, deep-tech, deep-science, SpatialX.

Jason and DHH are contrarians. No BS, no faff, no BS mgmt. The jest of their thinking is simple: You should own your destiny and your destiny should be based on your own work. You work for your own destiny, not for someone else’s.

This, what Skin in the Game, is. Ala Nassim Taleb.

(Jason’s ideas on making money while you sleep and forcing myself to make money are recommended reads. And their books are short, simple and to the point. I’ve just reread them for a 3rd time.)

Salam, peace.

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